Sports 1 – 2

Spanish people love sports…and they love to practice english!

At L’Arcada we cover multiple sports (currently basketball, volleyball, Cheerleading, American football, Mountain Bike and American flag football), with American teams and coaches. That way campers can be coach by American coaches, play with American kids and improve their english.

Sports 1

Volunteers training week sports 1:  18 JUNE to 22 JUNE

Basketball campers:
2025, 22 JUNE to 28 JUNE (12 to 18 years old)
Flag Football Campers: 2025, 22 JUNE to 28 JUNE (10 to 17 years old)
Mountain Bike Campers: 2025, 22 JUNE to 28 JUNE (12 to 18 years old)
Cheerleading Campers: 2025, 7th to 13th July (12 to 18 years old)

Sports 2

Volunteers training week sports 2:  2 JULY to 6 JULY

Voleyball Campers:
2025, 6 JULY to 12 JULY (12 to 18 years old)
American Football Campers: 2025, 6 JULY to 12 JULY (14 to 18 years old)