Spring Sports Opportunities


Specific to Varsity Level Boys Basketball, Girls Basketball, and Girls Volleyball teams.

Coaches and players will engage in Goodwill Games against local high school age club teams in the area with the purpose of promoting summer camps and being the example of Jesus through good sportsmanship.

ProgramDatesTime-frameCostVarsity Teams Needed
Spring Break
Sports Teams
March — April

1 Week

Saturday to Saturday


(this amount could change depending on exchange rate)


Includes: Food, lodging, in-country transportation, 4 Goodwill games, touring, Catalan restaurants, player uniform, coach’s shirt, materials

Background Check Fee
(18+ Yrs Only)
Airfare and Travel Insurance

Boys Basketball
Girls Basketball
Girls Volleyball

* All fees will be paid in USD through Greater Europe Mission. The benefits of changing this process of payment are

  1. any volunteer fees paid are tax deductible,
  2. there will be no bank fees,
  3. this process will make it much easier for our volunteers as payments can simply be made online.

Payments can be made HERE.

Prior to making a payment, please check with Lisa Ortiz.



Contact Lisa Ortiz
L’Arcada International Department